Wednesday, September 4, 2024

I'm all In and it's a New Day

 May 1st was the big day and now it's the 15th of May and I have just a few boxes left to unpack but lots of stuff to find a place for and of course there's the Craft Room to be completely organized...Oh Happy Day!

This is the before shot.

Friday, May 24, 2024

Draft, another Draft and I'm fixin to write another....Oh No!

 Wull...who kew. I just pulled up my blog to write a new post and found 3, maybe even 4 drafts that I had not pushed the publish button on!

So, I just published my last which is about the move and "I'm in" story. But right now, this post is about finally....all the unpackable boxes are unpacked. Wa-Hooo!

And there are wall hangings up in every room, curtains are up where they should be and a couple of windows with 2" blinds only ( I love the look and the light). I'm taking a couple of days off and then I'll be straightening and organizing the closets one by one and the rest of the rooms as it goes along. My car is finally in the garage every night and on one side of the garage inside is a row of empty boxes and on the other wall has a few opened boxes with stuff to be distributed still inside...small boxes. There are now 2 shelving units in the garage on the inside wall where the door to the kitchen is that are almost full. Actually I could use another one and there is room without impeding movement from the car to the kitchen door.

Hopefully this time next week all the empty boxes will be gone. I don't mind saying I'm tired and ready for a couple of days off from what I've been doing for months now.  Milo and I walk most mornings around the complex but in the evenings we just walk around the back yard. Also sit on the porch in the late afternoons around 6pm and enjoy the breeze.

The one thing that has stuck out in all this moving process is that I went from my 70's to my 80th Birthday last month.  It's the first ever age change number that has noticeably ddchanged how I feel. On the inside instead of thinking of myself as in my 30's it changed to now thinking of myself as being in the 60's. Honestly it's quite odd that there should be such a noticeable difference from last day of the 70's to the first day of the 80's.  Kinda funny I think. Instead of getting up out of a chair I now unfold out of a chair. Instead of rising out of bed and move along, I rise up and stand for what seems like a long time just to adjust to the vertical position from the horizontal position...odd. Then there's the act of unfolding after sitting for a while. That never use to be. Seems like when I wanted to get up out of a chair, I got up out of a chair. Now, not so much. When I'm ready to get up out  of a chair, it's a skoot to the edge of the chair and with great effort finally rising up on my two feet and then stand there for just a little bit. WHAT? You're Kidding, right?

Nope...not kidding! It's different and it happened all in one day! Don't get me wrong...I'm glad to be 80. Feel like I've earned it and frankly never thought about being 80 and what that might look like. I've got the picture now and it's not too bad, so far. 

Gonna turn out the light now. It's 12:32am March 24th Saturday Morning. So sorry about the drafts not posted. I'll post another one as I leave tonight. They will just be out of line that's all. Oh, and Milo seems to be feeling better, not so jumpy so I guess he's beginning to settle in too.

Good night and until next time have fun every now and then...This is Judy sitting on the edge of the bed typing on my laptop with Milo laying up against my back asleep. Sweet dreams....

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

My imagination grew and grew until nothing fit....

 I called the manager of my new apartment complex and asked if I could get in my new apartment to see it. And she said Yes!!! So I grabbed a friend and we drove out there and got the key and went inside. The whole experience was a wonderful, fun time. I had not been in MY apartment only in another with the same floor plan so there were some questions I had and wanted to have a look see. Especially since I've been placing furniture on copies of the floor plan that I had made.

As you probably have guessed by now my imagination had so enlarged the areas even though I had the measurements of each room. To actually stand in the master bedroom was just plain funny and as my friend and I guestimated where things would go I realized that the vanity I have which is a regular wood desk that I had painted as was using as a vanity will not fit in the's too long! So now as I write myself to sleep I'm coming up with all kinds of ways to make a vanity that will fit!

I do love doing this sort of thing. It's actually more fun than just buying a piece that will fit the space and the reason for that is that I have to figure it all out and then do it and as far as I'm concerned the process fits right in with crafting.  I have to tell a story...

When we were stationed in Hawaii in the mid 70's we were invited to a party at a fellow worker of my husbands. The acquaintance had built his own home! That in itself was reason for us to go to the party besides the opportunity to enjoy the party. Not sure how many couples but probably at least 10. I'm saying that to give an idea of how large the home was.  It was absolutely amazing. The owner/builder took us on a tour and actually pointed out to us all the mistakes he had made in the process of building. Corners that didn't match, flooring that wasn't even, on and on. The home was absolutely awesome regardless of the mistakes that didn't show. We only saw them because he pointed them out to us.  When we retired and were no longer in the military we bought some land and proceeded to build our own home. It was nothing like his because number one it wasn't in Hawaii! The point is, after seeing what he had done gave us the courage to try it ourselves figuring if he could do it, we could do it.

Well with that same enthusiasim and delight at the prospect I have continued to do such things even now that I no longer have my other half. The posibility that I could do something, anything like build a table or use a cordless drill to make something instead of having to buy a readymade table or whatever is still with me and so...I will be making my craft room furniture or if not making it entirely, rearranging a piece of furniture and adding or subtracting to it to make it into what I need is an exciting prospect and part of my crafting!

Just a few more days and the projects will begin. And by the way I don't buy the best, I buy what will work and is within my budget and adapt or make do. If you are's amazing what paint can do. I will be decopauging some things and changing the appearance in other ways with paint once the item has been built.

Of course I will post pictures along the way.  BTW, I met a couple of my new neighbors. This is so much fun. I was concerned my dogs blk rod iron fence wouldn't work on the patio just outside the back door but it's gonna fit just fine and we will both be able to sit on the back porch together safely and even have some potted plants around and atleast one hanging plant...a spider plant to be precise.  I had dreamed of having some plants inside all gathered infront of the living room window but not so sure it's going to be as large as I'd imagined. Of course everytig is smaller than I iagined...time does change what I thought saw but to be honest, the apartment is perfect, cozy comfortable and has all the elements in it to make my life comfy. Did I mention there's a garage? LOL! Oh, and a dishwasher, garbage disposal and built in microwave... The saying we've all heard about not appreciating what we have until we no longer have it is really true, just incase you didn't know that!

May 1st is the day the truck will haul my stuff to the new place. It's an absolute gift, certainly undeserved and I'm indeed thankful to the giver of all good and perfect gifts from above. 

Blessings to all who read and please leave a comment or even just a Hi!