Monday, October 31, 2016

Just call me "The Widda Chase"

I often try to use humor when things are going not so good.  As you might suspect it doesn't go over very well if at all.  No one seems to notice at all that I've said something (I think) funny.  This is one of those most desperate times in my life and the lives of my girls.  An attempt to lighten things up when others are not ready for it.  2006, January 17, 11:26 pm my husband "Skip" made his trip home. It was my youngest daughter who actually saw him go and after making sure she laid her hand on my arm and when I opened my eyes she said, "Mom, he's gone".

My daughters and I had gathered around his bed and began rejoicing and offering praise to the Father for taking him home to be with him.  It was a precious time for the three of us.  Recognizing that their Dad and my Husband was immediately with our savior Jesus, was a spirit and heart filling time.  Unexplained joy was in the room as we thanked our God for His mercy, and love for us all.

Well, there were phone calls to make and door bells to answer.  The three of us settled in the living room which was off the sun room where his body lay waiting for the nurses to come and declare the time of death.  Next came the folks from the funeral home and some visitors.  Though our energy was high, we were beginning to show signs of our tiredness.  It was while we were alone I said those words..."just call me the widda Chase".  No one laughed except me.

Shortly after all the people left except the three of us it was decided that my oldest daughter would spend the night with me.  So, that first night it was "Penny" the King Charles Cavalier pup my husband had given me a few months earlier, my oldest, and me.

I don't remember much of those first few days as a widow.  Skip (nick name) and I had been married just a few days short of 43 years.  He had retired from the USMC in 1981 and by 2006 we had spent years as Pastors of several small churches and then resigned and he had become a realtor and was doing pretty well.  I had just passed my realtors license to sell exam the day he was diagnosed with kidney cancer.

We had plans for these senior years.  A whole lot of plans.

Hope to see you back here tomorrow to continue.  Blessings...... Judy

Sunday, October 30, 2016

My Hobby is....

Making jewelry.  Yup, and I've opened a shop on Etsy just in case you want to take a look.

It is the most fun and challenging and creative.  I've been learning how to not only string beads but how to connect a fastener.  How to secure the beads so the whole thing doesn't fall apart.  I've made and worn earrings, bracelets and a necklace.  I didn't think I could do it but it was worth trying.  Don't care if it's a big hit or not.  Mostly I've made too much to just keep for myself so that's why I decided maybe I could sell enough to pay for the hobby.

I've done lots of other things for hobbies and I highly recommend it.  Brings interest, challenge, education and lots of other things good for the mind, hands, eyes, etc.  My eyes aren't too good but I've managed to set up enough lighting to make it just fine.  I plan on purchasing a light that has a magnified glass in it too.  Hasn't stopped me from doing a fun thing a bit.

I don't have a bunch of money in case you were thinking about that.  I started out with a kit from Walmart. (I think I've blogged about this earlier).  Anyhow, with the kit I was able to make some wearable jewelry and from there I just buy a little bit at a time.  It doesn't have to be beading by the way.  What ever you think you might like to try is worth it even if it doesn't work out.

Gives me something to talk about with others and it's least to me! hee hee hee   Today was a great Sunday.  Went to church, I'm always so glad when I do.  Came home and ate lunch and then took a really nice nap.  Been working on my Etsy shop loading pictures of some items I've made.  It takes a while. Now writing.

Also watching Star Trek...the original version.  It's been a nice restful day, hope you've had one of those too.

Blessings,   Judy........I would love to know what you'd be interested in.  

Saturday, October 29, 2016

A Day of Rest

Hope your Saturday was a good day for you.  I accomplished a couple of things that I'd wanted to do but nothing really major.  Wendy and I walked this morning as usual.  She isn't really interested in having her picture taken, I do keep trying though.  I did do a little laundry and reading also for my Wed. morning class.  That's about it.  The rest of the day I did a little bit of a lot of things and mostly laid back in the "Goodwill" red recliner and messed with the computer and watched the Dog Whisperer and napped.  A very good Saturday.

I've gotten to where I listen to my body when it says it's tired.  I found it doesn't lie about it.  I've tried to go, go, go like I did when I was much younger and it just doesn't do well for me anymore.  Seems like it make take a day or two but "boom", it hits.  I think I'm one of those who has to learn the hard way by experience.  So...I'm beginning to get it!!!  I don't like this part of aging though it does make for a good excuse when I don't want to participate in something.  Gonna say goodnight.  Wanna get to Church in the morning so need to get that rest.
Blessings,       Judy

Friday, October 28, 2016


I couldn't believe that after I really retired and wasn't doing much Friday became just like any other day as did Monday.  Still think it's funny that I don't celebrate Fridays or drag on Mondays.  Monday has turned out to be a wonderful day and Friday??? turns out it's just fine Friday!

So today is Friday a truly busy day.  It began at 9:30 am at my friend's home for chatter and prayer.  Usually lasting 3 hours or less depending on our independent schedules.  Always a treat to just visit and pray together.  We've seen answers from time to time and that's always wonderful.

Lunch was next and then taking the grands to their different activities which included a class in writing and basketball practice.  I got home about 4ish.  Worn out but content.

Looking into putting ads on my blog to help draw readers.  And I think you get to earn just a bit of money for compensation some how or other.  Starting up an Etsey Shop: GrammsCottage/ is not a quick project.  I'm still working on it to get some sort of advertising to get the word out about my shop.  It's a hobby...both this blog and the shop and that keeps me active in creativity.

Blessings to all...I invite feedback on my blog.  Please feel free, just be nice.  Judy

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Ps 125

I talked about Trust and how it makes you free, IF you trust in God's word. Today I read Psalm 125 and it is exactly about trusting.  If you're a Bible reader you may recognize ...v2 "As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds His people from this time forth and forever."  WOW!  The old hymn that goes and obey for there's no other way... adds "obey" as if it's a stipulation. I do think trusting the Lord's Word and obeying it go hand in hand.  Something to think about for sure.

I had some real Senior experiences this morning as I was getting ready to go to the hospital Gift Shop to volunteer.  I took my shower and washed my hair as usual.  As I was drying my hair I decided to use my hot rollers for a change.  You're suppose to leave them in until they have cooled off to get the best results and I did that too.  I've been noticing that apparently my hair is getting a bit thin on the back or crown of my head.  Now understand that I've always had a good head of know, plenty of it and with just a bit of body or natural wave/curl.  This morning I had to tease/back comb the hair where it's getting thin and then use a pic to  position nearly every strand and then...use hair spray.  I turned the mirror around once more to see how well I did and it had parted right down the middle just like recliner hair! (that's what your hair does from sitting in a recliner).  How come nobody mentioned this part of aging????  Now I have recliner hair whether I've sat in the recliner or not, ugh.
I've been working on my Etsy Shop trying to get graphics designed and then put on the opening page at the top for 2 1/2 days and my University Student co worker fixed it all for me today!  Woot!  It looks great.

Blessings, Judy

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Wouldn't ya know it!

I stayed up too late last night and....forgot to blog!  I'll try to be better about this.  Ya'll know that it's sometimes slow getting a habit secured and that's the phase I'm in right'll happen though.

I really like writing whether I'm good at it or not it is a creative outlet.  I've read that if you want a blog following you have to offer something that the reader wants to read regularly so that they will come back again and again.  I'm wondering if/what my blog offers that is valuable enough to be visited fairly regularly by folks.  I'm imagining it would be seniors and maybe more women than men.

It helps, me when I'm doing something unfamiliar or in unfamiliar territory, to hear what other's are experiencing and if I'm normal.  Basically that's it.  I hope to say things that ring true with some in order to bring encouragement about aging.  Mostly telling about my ongoing life with some history thrown in might bring that kind of opportunity out.

On a different note....  I've been invited to attend a weekly journaling group at my church.  It's taken me several months to finally get there and today was the day.  I'm so thankful that I finally got there.  A super opportunity to sit at a table with a few ladies and talk about the reading for today, offering comments and life stories for examples.  It was a really good atmosphere to get to know new to me ladies and share God's Word.  I highly recommend it.  Encouragement is something we all need in a safe environment with uplifting words and hearts.  Lots of seniors tend to shut their doors and close the blinds isolating themselves from a younger fast moving world.  Some live in the senior complex where I live.  It takes bravery and courage sometimes to step out the door or raise the blinds.
                                                                 "Do one thing everyday that scares you-" Eleanor Roosevelt

'Til next time....Blessings,  Judy

Monday, October 24, 2016


I wasn't able to finish the post from yesterday so here it is.  I'm so glad and amazed that I'm continuing to grow in my relationship with my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  I've never wanted to stop, but it's so amazing that I can regularly see the differences trusting Him more and more than ever before make every day.  It's inside, way in there, in my knower.  I know He is right along side me. I'm reminded that not only is he with me as I go through a day but He has already gone before me and knows how it's gonna go before I do.  That takes the fear out...just flat out dissipates it.  Knowing that alone lends a sense of exciting expectation of how it's all gonna pan out.  Trusting Jesus to take care of situations and circumstances, helping me to know what to say, when to be quiet is a very most freeing place to be.  "Happy"!

Woke up just a little later than the alarm this morning.  Had my 2 cups of coffee, just plain black.  Petting Wendy as I said good morning to Monday.  I have a morning routine which includes a 1.5 mile walk with Miss Wendy.  Weather was beautiful for walking.  Did the usual straightening up, making the bed, etc., so that I was ready for the day.

I've started two projects that are re-educating me on the computer.  Beginning this blog again and also getting my new shop on Etsy designed and ready to publish.  Today was all about taking pictures and then trying to get them uploaded from the Kodak.  Finally realized I'd have to reload the software, so that's done now and tomorrow will be about getting them in the shop for viewing.  Of course there will also be pricing and more.  I haven't played around with graphics and photos and all that goes with it in years, so it's a big challenge.  Frustrating but fun.  I guess those words don't go together, but it's true.  I do enjoy working at it and then the finished product.  Check it out in about 3 days and there should actually be items for sale.

That's all folks!  Blessings to all

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Hope you all had a great Sunday.  I didn't make it to Church this morning.  Just didn't get up.  Sleep patterns have changed a bit and for some reason I'm just staying up late.  Seem to have a boost of energy beginning around 5 or 6 pm and I get busy doing stuff.  Kind of odd for me.  It's not a bad thing, I sure get a bunch of things done.  Had church anyway.  Just me and my Chiweenie "Wendy".  Walked our mile and a half, prayed and sang.  It was good.  I'd take a picture of her but she's belly up on the couch sleeping all wrapped up in a throw.

One of the things I'm learning about from reading stuff about aging is to keep busy, keep learning, keep interested.  So, that's what I'm doing.  Funny thing is I keep learning more about myself.  You'd think at 72 I'd know myself by now but it just isn't so.  Surprises me.  Interesting too.  Like I didn't know that I would push myself like I'm doing.  I just get up out of my recliner and go do something. Usually something I don't want to do.  Like the dishes or straightening up the living room or going outside and straightening up out there.  I don't plan to do it, I just get up and go for it.  I have to ask myself what I did with Judy.  Where'd I put her.

The thing is, I like it!  I like it alot!!!  When I first realized I was retired (that's another story), I just sat down.  Didn't go much, except what was necessary.  Didn't do much either.  That lasted a pretty long while.

Glad that's over.  Don't think I've been happier in a very very long time than I am now.  Life is still life for sure and every week has it's challenges.  Some are pretty rough and sometimes a little scary.
There is a huge difference now that I wasn't aware of before.  And it's amazing to me.

I'll have to finish this next time cuz I've run out of room.  Tomorrow is Monday and lots of opportunities ahead.  Blessings and come back tomorrow for the rest....   Judy

I can't believe I just did that!!!

My first selfie.
I wrote the whole blog for today...the first one in a long, long time and ....I didn't save it and it's gone.  It's just gone!  Well, it's late and I'm sleepy so I'm gonna turn in and I'll write again tomorrow.  It was really good tooo....what I wrote that I didn't save!  Talk to you tomorrow.  Oh, and by the way, I'm gonna try to keep at this because I really do like to write and like everybody else, I think I have something to someone.

I'm just so silly.  Actually I found that post so I published it anyway.  Hope I haven't confused you.  I confused me!!!

It's been a excuses

Can you believe it? 2016 is almost over and I show up again.  Ya know what...I've been busy.  It's hard being a widow...single and aging all at the same time.  But I'm doing it.  Moving right along trying out new things as I go.  Some work and some don't.  Nevah, nevah, nevah give up!!!

So this time it's a shop on Etsy.  I think the name is gonna be Gramms Cottage.  I've been actually making beaded jewelry and I've collected several pieces so someone said..."you should sell it on Etsy".  I tried that once before and closed the shop, so here I go again.  Maybe it'll fly this time.

I'm really gonna try to stay up with writing most every day.  First, I enjoy it but also it might help get my brand out there, whatever that means.  My shop isn't actually open yet, I'm still in the set up process, so maybe in a week or so.  I have pictures to take and stuff like that.  Get it all designed and posted first.

My life is never dull and never just quiet and still.  During the dry time of my Blog my mini van died. What a life change that was. So, I sold it to a local parts place for $150.00 which paid for the towing and there was a little left over.  I had just bought 2 new tires and spent over $900.00 on fixing the thing in the engine.  Well, I was afoot for about 3 months.  I learned to ride the bus to the Hospital where I volunteer in the Gift Shop.  I also work in the Gift Shop "on call", for pay and my kids were kind enough to help me by giving me a ride home after work.  It was a challenge to say the least but I sure learned more about myself in the process.  I could do it and life went on and it was an adventure all around.  I'm better for it.

God willing and the creek don't rise, I'll be back tomorrow.  Blessings to all