Monday, October 24, 2016


I wasn't able to finish the post from yesterday so here it is.  I'm so glad and amazed that I'm continuing to grow in my relationship with my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  I've never wanted to stop, but it's so amazing that I can regularly see the differences trusting Him more and more than ever before make every day.  It's inside, way in there, in my knower.  I know He is right along side me. I'm reminded that not only is he with me as I go through a day but He has already gone before me and knows how it's gonna go before I do.  That takes the fear out...just flat out dissipates it.  Knowing that alone lends a sense of exciting expectation of how it's all gonna pan out.  Trusting Jesus to take care of situations and circumstances, helping me to know what to say, when to be quiet is a very most freeing place to be.  "Happy"!

Woke up just a little later than the alarm this morning.  Had my 2 cups of coffee, just plain black.  Petting Wendy as I said good morning to Monday.  I have a morning routine which includes a 1.5 mile walk with Miss Wendy.  Weather was beautiful for walking.  Did the usual straightening up, making the bed, etc., so that I was ready for the day.

I've started two projects that are re-educating me on the computer.  Beginning this blog again and also getting my new shop on Etsy designed and ready to publish.  Today was all about taking pictures and then trying to get them uploaded from the Kodak.  Finally realized I'd have to reload the software, so that's done now and tomorrow will be about getting them in the shop for viewing.  Of course there will also be pricing and more.  I haven't played around with graphics and photos and all that goes with it in years, so it's a big challenge.  Frustrating but fun.  I guess those words don't go together, but it's true.  I do enjoy working at it and then the finished product.  Check it out in about 3 days and there should actually be items for sale.

That's all folks!  Blessings to all